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Community Activity

Dedupe Address Grouping?

I am building out a dedupe scenario for lead records and I was wondering if there is a way to move address fields from a duplicate into the winner only if all of the winner's address fields are blank. I would like to treat address fields as a group. ...

Mike-B by Explorer
  • 2 replies

Resolved! respect fields decimal places when updating using formula

I am using this formula (${Commission__c}/100)*${Total_Price__c} to update a currency field with 2 decimal places, it returns more decimals and causes the next user to edit the object to get an error. Example data (16.2/100)*772.23 populates 125.1012...

Tiffany by Enthusiast
  • 6 replies

Resolved! 502 Error: Bad Gateway when logging into DemandTools

Hi there. We are power-users of DemandTools. For a number of reasons, we still use DemandTools 2.9.1. We have multiple users, too.All of us are suddenly getting the same error message when trying to log in. This shows up in a DemandTools error messag...

Resolved! RegEx to extract domain from website field

With the help of ChatGPT, I was able to get this RegEx formula to extract the company domain from website field.  The use case would be to update another field using the following formula -RegExReplace(${Website}, "^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?([^\/]+)...

Resolved! Data Storing

Question:  Does Validity/DemandTools store any data from Salesforce in the cloud?  Or does it simply analyze the data in real-time locally on your machine?

How do I import ContentNotes with DTV?

Are there any posts already written for DTV on how to insert notes with to the ContentNote object?I've been trying to figure out to create new notes for the ContentNote object, which appears to require a file reference when importing.   Is there a wa...

Resolved! Missing Engagement Points and Missing Business Segmentation

Hi again - since this is a little different than my earlier post thought I would post this one separately. Anyway, this time I'm not really sure what Missing Engagment Points and Missing Business Segmentation is. So, would love to know. Lastly, would...

bhare1357 by Frequent Contributor
  • 2 replies

Resolved! Mass Moving Stale Reports/Dashboards

I am using DemandTools 5.21 and cannot figure out how to move stale reports from one report folder to another for deletion. Which scenario category do I select? Is there a help document I can reference?  If not available, is it on the product roadmap...