a week ago
While attempting to merge duplicate opportunities, which included field rules I kept getting the following error -
"Error cloning record 0KKUI000001RZ2k4AG: A Campaign Influence Record for this Opportunity with same Contact and Campaign already exists.
Error cloning record 0KKUI000001RZ2l4AG: A Campaign Influence Record for this Opportunity with same Contact and Campaign already exists.
duplicate value found: Import_Matching_Key__c duplicates value on record with id: 006UI00000HNPvEYAX"
I found that if I deleted the existing contact roles that existed on the losing record that I could merge the records. And I didn't get the error about the Import_Matching_Key__c after making this change.
Is this a common issue, or something that needs to be submitted as a bug to support?
a week ago
Hey @michael-wtds - This is a new one for me. It sounds like it may be a Salesforce limitation? I'd be curious to know if perhaps using the DemandTools merge logic would help process without error? To do this, under Merge Options, on the Dedupe Preview Screen, select the Customize Merge option and continue from that point without any further adjustments. If that doesn't remedy, a support ticket would be the best route. Thanks for bringing this up.
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