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Long-Time DemandTools User / Enthusiast / Promoter


I've been using the tool since 2004 and I have made having DemandTools a requirement for accepting a position. I ask them if they have DemandTools. If they say no, I ask them if they would be willing to invest in it because I won’t… I can’t do my job without it.  There are many things to love about DT, however the biggest selling point for me is that you can update thousands of records at the same time - saving you hours, and maybe even day's worth of time.

To see more of how I have used DT over the past almost 20 years check this out:  Success Story

Happy to answer any questions regarding the ROI and use of DemandTools!


Life is short. Make fun of it! - Leyna

Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

Hi @lhoffer ,

I just wanted to say thank you for sharing this story!  I love to hear how this impacts your work/life balance and how you insist on having DT when starting a new job.  It really makes my work very rewarding!

Thanks, again,

Anthony Lardiere Jr
Senior Customer Success Manager


Hi Leyna! So happy you are here. You are such a huge asset to our customer base. 

Ashley Sierant