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How to leverage Engagement Tracking Pixel



1. There is a use case where i want to use tracking pixel. The case is that we almost send out 50 emails per month. And i want to track all those 50 campaigns separately So should i create 50 individual tracking pixels? or create one tracking pixel and check the option "Campaign merge tag"?
2. Where can I find the filter option to segregate the Campaigns (that must have populated using the campaign merge tag) and see their individual performances?


Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

@Mahesh thank you for reaching out, and great question! I will go ahead and number my responses to match your questions to avoid any confusion:

1) For these 50 campaigns, if they all have a unique identifier within your ESP and your ESP supports the use of merge tags for those campaign identifiers, I would recommend using the campaign merge tag function. This will prevent you from having to manually create 50 separate pixels and manually insert them into 50 separate email templates. Instead, you can create just one pixel that can be used in all email templates and will pull in the campaign information accordingly. I do want to highlight though that this does require the support of merge tags for campaign identifiers - do you mind if I ask who your ESP is? I might be able to confirm that for you!

2) Pixel/Campaign filtering is one of the default filters available within the left side filtering menu of the Engagement module: 


Please let me know if I can provide any additional detail!


Hi Catie,

Thanks for the detailed reponse. I really appreciate it. I still few addtional queries, please let me know if you are able to assist me on those as well.

  1. Regarding the ESP, it is Eloqua that i am using. I also tried to levereage the campaign merge tag option. As per your words the merge tag should be pulling the Eloqua campaigns unique identifier but in my case when I activated a test campaign with the below mentioned code in the email, A new pixel campaign with the name "campaignid" got created, when i used the same code in a diff campaign in eloqua another pixel campaign with the name "campaignid" got created. I'm not sure on how this campaign merge tag works with eloqua so far it is creating a pixel with a name which i enter in the campaign merge tag. Could you help with this on how it should be implemented.
  2. Also we have a case where in a single campaign we send multiple emails to differet region for this case, we would like to track the details of all the emails individualy respective to their region so the ideal approach would be to create individual tracking pixel for every email not using the campaign merge tag as it would give us only the consolidated report on of all the emails in the campaign and not their individual details i beleive, Could you please provide your insights on this onwhat should be the best appraoch for this case. 

Tracking code:

Hi Catie,

Thank you for your detailed response. I really appreciate it. I have a few additional queries and would be grateful if you could assist with those as well.

Regarding the ESP, I am using Eloqua. I also tried to leverage the campaign merge tag option. According to your explanation, the merge tag should pull the unique identifier for Eloqua campaigns. However, when I activated a test campaign with the code below in the email, a new pixel campaign with the name "campaignid" was created. When I used the same code in a different Eloqua campaign, another pixel campaign with the name "campaignid" was created. I’m not clear on how the campaign merge tag works with Eloqua, as it seems to be creating a pixel with the name I entered in the campaign merge tag. Could you help clarify how this should be implemented?

Additionally, we have a scenario where, within a single campaign, we send multiple emails to different regions. For this case, we would like to track the details of each email individually by region. The ideal approach would be to create a separate tracking pixel for each email, rather than using the campaign merge tag, as the merge tag would provide only a consolidated report of all the emails in the campaign rather than individual details. Could you provide your insights on the best approach for this situation?

Tracking code:

<style> @media print{ #_two50 { background-image:url(''); } } blockquote #_two50, #mailContainerBody #_two50, div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table { background-image:url(''); } </style> <div id='_two50'></div> <img id='_two50_img' src='' width='1' height='1' style='margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; border:0 !important; height:1px !important; width:1px !important;' />




Thanks again for your time on this.


Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

Hi Mahesh,

I believe you have a support ticket open as well, but I'll include my responses here for the benefit of other community members! I believe the issue with your c= tag not working would be due to the fact that it does not follow the formatting that Eloqua requires. The formatting for Eloqua merge tags looks like this:

<span class=eloquaemail>campaignid</span>

I believe once you implement the correct format your merge tag will work as expected.

As for the regions I want to clarify - are you wanting to create a unique pixel for each individual recipient? Or a unique pixel by region?