I was pleasantly surprised to find out I can use DemandTools to Dedupe and merge duplicate files (ContentDocument) that my users have uploaded. It works really well when the same person uploads the same file multiple times. However, if 2 different ...
Is it possible to use a Nested IF Formula to set a field value in the Modify module? And if so, is there a limit on the number of IFs you can nest? When I tried creating one and I clicked the button to "Check Formula" my screen turn entirely white ...
@DonT I thought I requested it but can't find it. In fact, can't find any of my submissions. I'm not sure if the search feature on the "Request A Feature" page searches everything submitted or only those items that have been categorized by Validity...
@MarcDBehr The 5.31.0 release added the ability for the environment names you use in the Admin portal to show in DemandTools. So you can now easily rename them and see that name in Demand Tools.
@CRMSarah There are no Apex Triggers on the object. As I stated in my post, the issue the fact that there are two different owners for the documents being merged. The DemandTools Support team is investigating the issue.
For me, just being able to save scenarios is an amazing feature. Prior to having Demand tools I would use Workbench and would save the SOQL's in Visual Studio Code files. Being able to save these scenarios and quickly pull them up and rerun them ha...