I've just deleted but prior to this:I had a bunch over 3 pages of custom properties that I haven't created in Everest, and prior to delete (yes I should have take that screenshot), this area was fill with those custom properties:I'm trying to undesta...
Hi I think that this should be a public information under privacy and compliance, about the data used captured and used inside Everest, can someone help me answer those questions?Retention period applied to Personal Data?Does the retention period var...
Hi all as part of data assessment process I need the status from the services of Everest so our service team can have in case need a support. Does anyone know where I can find that link? Similar to SFDC and others i.e:https://status.salesforce.com/Th...
Adding to the discussion, this seems the same behavior as the auto creating process that occurs for a pixel, for example all of those pixels were NOT created in the platform but still Everest is creating them automatically:
@JulieS_Validity every info helps, thanks "...or to encourage you to sunset an email address that has never (or extremely rarely) engaged with your email program. ..." those spamtraps are usualy a mistery to solve and if we have old contacts in the d...
Thanks @JulieS_Validity, so if the trap is well defined why the list validation process do NOT informed correctly what's the email being used as spamtrap with classification and the trap age?