01-21-2025 02:32 AM
i would like to select all the leads and contacts with "AI" in their job title, of course, i obtain unconsistent results, like '"emAIl" or MAINtain". i remember using in the past a special charactere to be able to have relevant results. Don't remember if it was / or something similar. Do anyone has an idea? Many thanks by advance
01-21-2025 06:24 AM
Hey @Letty - If I understand correctly, you are looking for standlone instances of "AI", as in you would want AI Admin returned but not Email Admin.
While we can't condition records for such a search, we did find success using the Match module. You would want to match the object against itself and then set your Match conditions to SF ID & Title.
For the comparison type on Title, you'd want to use RegEx and this formula: (?<=\s|^)AI(?=\s|$). This formula will discover all instances where AI exists with a space before or after the term. When viewing the results file, all Single Match Records should be the list you are looking for.
Let us know! Thanks.
01-21-2025 07:06 AM
Thanks for your quick answer! can i set it up in Modify Module? i have tried to create a formula template but got an error, could you send me a screenshot for example? Many thanks by advance
01-21-2025 02:00 PM
This process would just be to find the matches, so you'd have to use a module that involves matching records to themselves, not just a record selection criteria, or in Modify's instance, a transformative formula.What is the action you want to take on the records ultimately once you identify them?
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