Resolved! Allow Blank Override
Hello, I am trying to get a better understanding of "Allow Blank Override" for imports. What resources do you recommend? Thank you! Gilbert Hernandez
Hello, I am trying to get a better understanding of "Allow Blank Override" for imports. What resources do you recommend? Thank you! Gilbert Hernandez
I have a match scenario set up that includes 5 "Fields to show on Preview". I scheduled that scenario to run each morning at a specific time. Unfortunately, every time the schedule runs, the only Match field on the output file is the Match_ID. Any...
Hello - I have been using for DemandTools V App for quite some time, I completed the application update yesterday and had went to process records, but I started getting some strange messages.My processing was showing a percentage that was impossible ...
Hi!Is there a way to create a scenario to DELETE records using date formula as its criteria?For example, find all records created more than 2 years ago from object and then delete.
Hello,Has anyone experienced the following error when attempting to connect your CRM account to DemandTools V?Error Message: "CRM OAuth Error: Unknown error"Additional Context:I am logged in to my DemandTools accountWe use OneLogin SSOAttemting to co...
Hi everyone!Our database has about 3 million records (Leads, Accounts, Contacts). I ran the Assess tool for the first time in early March and it ran for 12 hours before providing restults. I ran it again at the start of April (using fewer criteria)...
Happy Monday! DemandTools V 5.25.8 is now available. We are very excited about some of the features that made it into this release. A list of feature enhancements and bug fixes is below. Let us know which new DemandTools V Release feature you are...
I'm receiving error "Java Certificate Error Upon Login" when attempting to load DemandTools V, where do I obtain this missing certificate?
I'm only recently into DemandTools V and was doing great scheduling and making rules and all of the sudden.... ProperCase doesn't seem to be working on my addresses anymore. Is anyone else noticing issues after this most recent update?
Hi,Has anyone written an SSN normalization function?Thanks,Joe
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