a month ago
I am using DemandTools elements with Dupeblocker for Salesforce. I am trying to create a scenario to prevent a contact from being created if a matching Lead record already exists. For example, a Lead record exists but has not already been converted. A user tried to create a new contact without searching to see if that contact had been entered as a Lead. When a user enters a new contact with info that matches an email on the Lead object, I want Dupeblocker to prevent them from creating the new contact, and show a warning that there is a Lead duplicate. Can this be done? If so, what are the steps to configure the scenario? Currently, it appears that it will only prevent the new contact from being created if another contact record is matched.
a month ago
Hey @jmourani - You'll want to setup a Lead to Contact scenario in Dupeblocker. Lead to Contact and Lead to Account Scenarios will work in either direction. However, by default, blocking options ("Do Not Insert"/"Do Not Update" and "Redirect to Existing") only trigger when a Lead is inserted/updated. Warnings are created in place of a block when a Contact or Account is inserted/updated that matches an existing Lead. Scenarios have an option, Block Account/Contact Matches, to allow blocking in both directions.Let us know if you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to DemandToolsCOE@validity.com.
a month ago
Thanks for your response. However the example you illustrated is for Leads to Contacts. My scenario is to block contacts from being created (directly, not through lead conversion) if that contact matches an existing Lead record (one that has not been converted). Make sense?
a month ago - last edited a month ago
@jmourani - The scenario will work both ways, so it will look for both Lead to Contacts and Contacts to Leads. Just be sure to check the box "Block Account/Contact Matches" in the screenshot below if you want to use a "Do Not Insert" action for the scenario.
a month ago
The scenario type in your screenshot shows Lead to Contact. I don't see an option for Contact to Lead. Where do I configure the scenario to look at the Lead information when contact is created?
a month ago
Hey @jmourani - I just shot you a personal email from the DemandTools COE email, feel free to respond there if you want to meet to discuss further, it can be hard to convey via text. Thanks!
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