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Read about the new Expanded Customer training, DT V 5.33 Release Notes, Top 5 Accepted Solutions, webinar's, events and more in the December DemandTools Newsletter.


If DemandTools has ever made you feel like this:

“We wouldn’t be able to do our work without DemandTools, even simply updating records would have been very difficult to do.”

... or this:

“As a Salesforce Admin who’s been using DemandTools for 8-9 years, it’s a tool I probably couldn’t live without. I use the product every day and think I would be lost without it. Once you start using it, you don’t know how you got by without it. I would highly recommend DemandTools to anyone managing data.”

Make your way over to our AppExchange review page and let the rest of the Salesforce Ohana know!


Customer Knowledge & Training Updates

2024 DemandTools Customer Training

We have expanded our DemandTools Training offerings for the new year! We now offer weekly sessions on key DemandTools modules as well as some special sessions on best practices and how to get the most out of DemandTools.

Join us on January 4, 2024, for our first ever overview of the Assess Module. During this 30-min session we will run through how to use Assess to get an overview of the quality of the records in your CRM.

Register Today

Get Certified on DemandTools V

Three new badges are available and more on their way! Earn all the module badges to get certified.

Get Started Today


New Features & Product Updates

This month is a scheduled maintenance release for DemandTools. But we will deliver more feature updates and innovation in 2024, starting in January!

DemandTools V 5.33 Release Notes


Community Updates

Top 5 Accepted Solutions in the DemandTools Forum:

Or you can view all Accepted Solutions in the DemandTools forum by clicking here!

* Accepted Solutions are answers to questions asked on the Community forums.


Upcoming Events & Webinars

Salesforce World Tours

The Validity team headed out to a few more World Tour events in Q4.

Learn more of what events we are attending by checking out our Events page!
Data in Sight will be back in 2024 with more industry experts and insights on topics such as AI readiness, why data quality is pivotal for Data Cloud success, and much more.


Customer Success Updates

Have a DemandTools question or use case that you could use some CSM expertise on? Reach out to our awesome Center of Excellence team by emailing and any one of our amazing Customer Success Managers will be happy to help!

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, or if you would like to let us know what you think of the NEW Newsletter format, please comment below. 

Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Events

August 6th 12:00pm ET
