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DemandTools 5.34 Release overview, Community Celebration announcement, new Certification badges and more in this month's DemandTools Newsletter


New Features & Product Updates

DemandTools 5.34 Feature Release

Scenario Management

Manage Scenario Access and Usage with Scenario Tags. Help your DemandTools users focus by only showing them the Scenarios they can access. Using the Tag Management Dashboard in DemandTools, My.Validity Administrators can now employ Scenarios Tags to restrict Scenario visibility based on a user's My.Validity role.

Manage tags


Clearly see Duplicate Groups. The duplicate group divider is back! Based on customer feedback, the Dedupe module now displays a thick separator line between duplicate groups for even faster duplicate clean up and management.


Improved Field Mapping user experience. Retain your field mapping settings when changing the source file or sheet even when you’re not using a saved Scenario. You will be alerted if fields from the input file cannot be mapped based on the existing scenario or if a field in Salesforce no longer exists. Fields can also be viewed by their mapped status - Mapped Fields, Unmapped Fields, and Mapping Error.

Import field mapping


Formula results testing during formula setup.Test your formulas against test data prior to running it on the queried records in your scenario for faster formula setup and acceptance of results.

General Enhancements

Access even more information through DemandTools. DemandTools will now provide access to fields within five levels of the relational hierarchy (pre 5.34 versions only give access to two levels).

5 levels example

And much more!

Read the full DemandTools V 5.34 Release Notes

Go to Release Notes

Attend the DemandTools Release Overview Session: 5.34 on Thursday, February 1st, @ 11am ET.

Register here


Community Updates

1 Year Celebration!!!

Can you believe it, the Validity Community is almost 1 year old – we launched it on March 7th 2023. To celebrate this date, we are planning to award all of our members who have registered before 3/7/24, with a commemorative Birthday badge.

One Year Celebration

If you have not already registered, make sure to do so before 3/7/24 to receive the badge. 

Top 5 Accepted Solutions in the DemandTools Forum:

Or you can View all Accepted Solutions in the DemandTools forum by clicking here!

* Accepted Solutions are answers to questions asked on the Community forums.


Customer Knowledge & Training Updates

Get Certified on DemandTools V

DemandTools V Certified badge

As you may already know, we have launched a DemandTools Certification program which includes specialty badges for each of the corresponding modules:

  • Fundamentals
  • Dedupe
  • Import
  • Modify
  • Tune (most recently released)

5 more modules are coming soon, including Delete, Reassign, Match, Export and Convert.

Get Started Today

DemandTools Training

Join us for one of our upcoming DemandTools Live Training Sessions! Full Training Calendar

*Some DemandTools versions such as DemandTools Elements only include access to the Import, Export, Delete, Dedupe, and Verify modules. If interested in learning more about other modules that are available in the DemandTools V platform, feel free to register for any of the trainings above to learn more!


Take the Survey for a chance to win!

The State of CRM Data Management in 2024 Survey:

Take this 5-minute survey and be among the first to receive access to the report. You’ll also get a chance to win a $1000 Visa gift card!


Customer Success Updates

Check out this brand-new DemandTools V Assess Module Webinar lead by one of our very own CSMs. This webinar discusses how to start 2024 off on the right track by running an assessment report to obtain a clear picture of your CRM data quality along with steps you can take to remediate the issues found.

CSM Spotlight of the Quarter

Forrest Tarsa

Howdy Doody! My name is Forrest Tarsa (@TarsaF_Validity on the Community) and I’m a Senior CSM on the Data CSM team here at Validity. The team and I have made some exciting changes in the past few months, and we are looking forward to bringing you increased assistance, new and improved resources, and more readily available support for all your Validity data tools. Now, for any assistance with use cases and product functionality questions you can simply email and one of our experienced CSMs (including me) will get back to you!

And now that the formal information is out of the way, I figured I’d share a little more about myself, so you can get to know the CSM team members that are here to help you better!

Although I’ve been at Validity for almost three years, I’ve also worked in the Health and Fitness industry as well as the Financial Services industry and even spent some time installing and refinishing custom hardwood floors. Growing up in Northern Michigan gave me a love for the outdoors that has only been amplified by my move to Colorado where I can enjoy the great outdoors all year round! In addition to the 9-5 at Validity, I also stay young by teaching several small group training classes each week at a locally owned gym. Between the two I stay busy, but I also get to build relationships with people, which is something I value in everything I do.

Thanks for reading. If you have any questions, or if you would like to let us know what you think of the NEW Newsletter format, please comment below. 

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Feb12th 12:00pm ET
