3 hours ago
Hi Community,
I am trying to run a dedupe on contacts. I want to set up a winner rule that prioritizes contacts that have the same lifecycle stage (ContactLifecycleStage__c) as the related account's lifecycle stage (AccountLifecycleStage__c), over contacts that do not have same lifecycle stage as the Account they are related to. Perhaps a field rule that would update the lifecycle stage to match the Account lifecycle stage would work too.
Has anyone had experience running a similar use case?
an hour ago
Hey @Jakewenzel - Interesting use case. Certainly reccomend submitting a feature request to handle this. Is your desire to always have the ContactLifecycleStage_c match the AccountLifecycleStage_C? Or only post-merge? Or is that contact-account matching a deciding factor in what the winning contact should be? Does the AccountLifecycleStage_c live as a lookup on the related contact or are you looking to utilize a hierarchy lookup in DemandTools? My reccomended method to solve would vary depending on those.
34m ago
Hi @Pugs_Validity thanks for getting back to me.
We want to use this as a winner rule to decide which contact out of the dupes to be the winning record, because we don't want to lose the contact lifecycle stage if it got moved up to the same as the accounts, and this is likely the contact record being utilized most.
AccountLifecycleStage_c is a field at the account level, however we do have a formula field RelAccountLifecycleStage_c that pulls the account's lifecycle stage to the contact record.
E.g in this screenshot, we would want the outlined record to be the winner over the two records that are in lead lifecycle stage. In the set below that, we would use other winner rules to decide the winner as they are both not at the same lifecycle stage as the account, and we would leave their lifecycle stage as is.
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