01-31-2023 01:26 PM
Hi all - as I mentioned in the subject - have used Demand Tools a number of times over a number of different jobs over the years. I love Demand Tools because of it is power. At one career stop I was able to take all of the states in Salesforce and turn them into two letter abbreviations thorughout my company's Salesforce org - very cool and very helpful!!
If I can help out I will do my best to jump in and try to contribute some answers!
02-01-2023 05:52 AM
@bhare1357 we did the exact opposite 🙂
switched from state abbreviations to full names to accomodate Europe as well
02-01-2023 05:54 AM
@SummerinGreece - Interesting! 😀
3 weeks ago
Any idea why this formula isn't working? StateMatchShortName({mailingstate}, UseFuzzy) The error message is that there's an unknown variable UseFuzzy at position 45.
3 weeks ago
@Beth_bohl - You'll need to instruct the formula whether you want to use the Fuzzy criteria or not. So the choice would be beteween StateMatchShortName(${mailingstate}, FALSE) or StateMatchShortName(${mailingstate}, TRUE)
02-01-2023 05:57 AM
Hi @bhare1357 (Bill),
I'm happy to see you've joined our community since you have years of experience! I love it for the same reasons and mentioned in another post of mine about how Modify can really get the job done with existing data. In DemandTools V (DTV) we now have over 127 formulas to use - one of them being the state standardization formula!
StateMatchShortName(state, useFuzzy)
StateMatchLongName(state, useFuzzy)
The above are the two preinstalled formulas we have with DemandTools V (DTV) which can use fuzzy match to find misspelled states as well.
Again, so happy you're here!
02-06-2023 12:11 PM
I agree! I am excited to share with new users and watch them realize the potential uses of the tool. DT saved a small team a month long project of adjusting the case of account names. It was done in 15 min. They were so excited!
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