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Restore Logging On Error


I am new to DemandTools.  I have been able to run dedupping in the 2.91 version, but everytime I try in version V, I get this error: Restore Logging on.  I have tried logging out and back in, but nothing seems to work.  I am not sure what to do.  Can anyone provide some guidance?


Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

Hey @BettiCryer - That's a new one for us! I've gone ahead and opened a ticket for you with our Support Team, they'll be emailing you to assist investigating the error message further!

Hello @Pugs_Validity : I am receiving the same error. Is there an update on this, or advice on resolving? 

It was related to viewing encryted data. I created a new permission set that added view encrypted data and assigned that to myself. I was then able to proceed.


I am recieving the same error; is there a status on the error?


It was related to viewing encryted data. I created a new permission set that added view encrypted data and assigned that to myself. I was then able to proceed.

Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

Thanks for the update, @BettiCryer. Interesting to hear, we have typically only ran into that when users try to merge encrypted fields within Dedupe without the proper permissions. That being said, for future reference, you'll want to make sure all DemandTools users have the proper permission sets