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Better way to identify/label sandboxes


I was going to move some data between sandboxes using the Import feature and I can't identify which sandbox is which from the dropdown. They all just show my company name and say 'sandbox'. I have 4 sandboxes, I need to either see the userrname or a way to tag each org.

I like the idea of moving data between sandboxes, but there needs to be some way of telling them apart in the app.

I also noticed a similar issue when I try to share scenarios between orgs. All I can see there are orgId's and I don't memorize the orgId's of my sandboxes, so the UI in these situations is less than ideal.

Anybody know of a way around this?


Validity Team Member
Validity Team Member

Hi @MarcDBehr ,

You can easily modify the names of your Sandboxes if you're a My Validity Admin.  You can follow this link which will take you to your CRM Environments, hit the three dots next to the sandbox, and then hit edit name.  This way you can distinguish them from each other.  It could be as simple as adding numbers on each one.

If you think adding the Org IDs in the Source dropdown in the Import module would be a great feature, you can follow this article to add a feature request.


Anthony Lardaiere
Customer Success Manager

Anthony Lardiere Jr

Sr. Customer Success Manager



Hi Anthony,

I have changed the name in the My Validity Admin portal, but that does not seem to be pulled into the tool itself, so when I am using the tool, I am still out of luck.

Adding the orgID's would be a start, but I do not memorize the ID's of all of my sandboxes. I think it would make more sense to allow users to define an alias (the sandbox name) and have that displayed in the list.

I looked all over the place for how to find the feature request, so I appreciate the link. It almost seems like it is a bit hidden. I have submitted a request there and I guess that is all I can do at this point is hope somebody reads them... 

Hi @MarcDBehr ,

Don't worry! The product team reviews them constantly - I know this first hand 😀

Did you try logging out of DTV and back in? They should update. If you've tried logging out of the platform and it stills doesn't update, I can get Support involved for you. 



Anthony Lardiere Jr

Sr. Customer Success Manager


I created Ticket 141950 yesterday, and they directed me here

Hi @MarcDBehr ,

I'm going to reach out to you privately.  The good news is that you submitted the request so product will be aware of your desire to have this feature.  I'm going to do a bit more research as well.



Anthony Lardiere Jr

Sr. Customer Success Manager


Frequent Contributor

@MarcDBehr I have the same issues.  The names setup in your account seem pointless as they don't translate to the tool.  The way I've gotten around this is by renaming the organization name in the sandboxes because that's what shows in DemandTools.  After you change the organization name, you'll need to log out of that org in DemandTools then log back in for the new org name to show.  But once you do that you'll be able to differentiate between sandboxes. 

CRM UAT - Organization Name for DemandTools Community.jpg


DemandTools - Import Source Names.jpg

@Murphybp79 ,

Thank you so much!  This is a great workaround!  Please be sure to submit your feature request as well on My Validity!


Anthony Lardiere Jr

Sr. Customer Success Manager


@AnthonyValidity Thanks.  I have commented on this idea. Do I have to submit the same idea myself?  It would be easier if there was a way to just upvote ideas. Do I need to submit that as an idea? 🤔

Interesting workaround.  I will give it a try, but obviously a more automated solution would be better