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Hi Community,I am trying to run a dedupe on contacts. I want to set up a winner rule that prioritizes contacts that have the same lifecycle stage (ContactLifecycleStage__c) as the related account's lifecycle stage (AccountLifecycleStage__c), over con...
Dear community, I'm trying to merge several leads into a converted lead. But the fields on the converted lead are not updated from duplicate leads, although the merge was successful. Error message: Cannot save already-deleted object: id = ***********...
Dear community, I am looking for a formula to enforce for a field that six digits are in a field. When there are 5 digits, then a zero gets added at the front. Thanks!
Hello,I created an Import scenario for upserting lists that include account and contact information in the same sheet.The upsert works as intended, checks for duplicate accounts and contacts, if none found creates both account and contact and links t...
I set up some selection conditions to narrow down the number of records that are being searched in my SF instance. One condition was set on the contact object and one condition was set on the account object. However, when I advance screens the "Previ...
Our organization is shifting data structures to utilize Contact Points. Does anyone have advice on how we can continue to effectively use DemandTools dedup to identify new Person Accounts with matching Contact Point records (whether that be emails/ad...
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Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your role in the Community? I have been in the Salesforce Community since 2007. I hold three Salesforce certs and I'm working towards my Demand Tools cert as well. I also have recently been writing a few bl...
How can we activate a user in Validity/Demand Tools? The user is already listed, but not listed as Active.
Is it possible to prevent the creation of a Salesforce contact record when converting a lead record? I do not want any lead records to prevent from being created but when converting the lead, I would like DupeBlocker to prevent the creation of a new ...
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